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Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Philosophical literature/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Philosophical literature along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-04-01 to 2024-04-30

Total views: 4,627,541

Updated: 06:43, 27 May 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Bhagavad Gita 137,389 4,579 B High
2 War and Peace 113,613 3,787 B Mid
3 The Metamorphosis 101,696 3,389 C Low
4 Crime and Punishment 90,899 3,029 GA Mid
5 Fahrenheit 451 88,351 2,945 B Mid
6 The Handmaid's Tale 85,490 2,849 B Low
7 Slaughterhouse-Five 79,143 2,638 B Low
8 Atlas Shrugged 65,527 2,184 B Mid
9 The Art of War 65,377 2,179 B High
10 The Stranger (Camus novel) 58,551 1,951 C Mid
11 Gulliver's Travels 55,731 1,857 C Low
12 The Myth of Sisyphus 51,836 1,727 Start High
13 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 51,458 1,715 C Low
14 In Search of Lost Time 49,045 1,634 C Low
15 I Ching 46,711 1,557 GA High
16 The Prince 40,109 1,336 C High
17 Meditations 38,292 1,276 C High
18 Thus Spoke Zarathustra 37,337 1,244 C High
19 The Fountainhead 37,023 1,234 FA Low
20 Upanishads 35,483 1,182 GA High
21 Tao Te Ching 34,602 1,153 C High
22 Republic (Plato) 33,123 1,104 C High
23 Cat's Cradle 31,887 1,062 C Low
24 Julie; or, The New Heloise 31,866 1,062 Start Low
25 Leviathan (Hobbes book) 28,236 941 C High
26 Life of Pi 27,546 918 B Low
27 Simulacra and Simulation 27,274 909 C Low
28 Candide 27,231 907 FA Mid
29 Walden 27,132 904 C Mid
30 Das Kapital 26,674 889 C High
31 The Unbearable Lightness of Being 26,514 883 C Low
32 Stranger in a Strange Land 25,518 850 B Low
33 Tuesdays with Morrie 25,366 845 Start Mid
34 Hayy ibn Yaqdhan 25,035 834 Start Mid
35 The Federalist Papers 24,601 820 B Low
36 Invisible Man 23,560 785 C Low
37 The Wealth of Nations 22,249 741 C High
38 Arthashastra 22,021 734 B High
39 As I Lay Dying 21,889 729 C Low
40 Antigone (Sophocles play) 21,805 726 C Mid
41 Bhagavata Purana 21,791 726 B Mid
42 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 19,927 664 Start Low
43 The Hero with a Thousand Faces 19,648 654 C Mid
44 Critique of Pure Reason 18,909 630 C High
45 The Dispossessed 18,619 620 C Mid
46 Nicomachean Ethics 18,424 614 C High
47 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 18,029 600 Start Low
48 A Theory of Justice 17,985 599 C Mid
49 Gödel, Escher, Bach 17,723 590 C Mid
50 No Exit 17,465 582 Start High
51 Principia Mathematica 17,284 576 C High
52 The Denial of Death 17,220 574 Start Low
53 Cosmology of Tolkien's legendarium 16,426 547 GA Low
54 Oresteia 15,864 528 C Mid
55 The Plague (novel) 15,745 524 C Mid
56 The Decline of the West 15,584 519 C Mid
57 Beyond Good and Evil 15,526 517 C High
58 Three Principles of the People 14,707 490 Start Low
59 Zhuangzi (book) 14,437 481 GA High
60 The Castle (novel) 14,275 475 B Low
61 The City of God 14,259 475 Start Mid
62 Death in Venice 14,209 473 B Low
63 Summa Theologica 14,013 467 C High
64 The Gay Science 13,726 457 Start Mid
65 The Doors of Perception 13,718 457 B Low
66 Symposium (Plato) 13,282 442 C High
67 Dokkōdō 13,041 434 Stub Low
68 Poetics (Aristotle) 12,986 432 C High
69 Mere Christianity 12,815 427 C Mid
70 A Scanner Darkly 12,544 418 C Low
71 Sophie's World 12,179 405 Start Low
72 The Social Contract 12,005 400 Start High
73 The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress 12,002 400 C Low
74 The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable 11,854 395 C Low
75 I Heart Huckabees 11,671 389 C Low
76 Diogenes and Alexander 11,480 382 C Mid
77 The Phenomenology of Spirit 11,434 381 Start High
78 The Glass Bead Game 11,206 373 C Mid
79 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 11,192 373 C High
80 Kural 11,184 372 B High
81 Four Books and Five Classics 11,129 370 C High
82 Discipline and Punish 10,953 365 Start Low
83 Ethics (Spinoza book) 10,760 358 C High
84 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 10,736 357 FA Mid
85 Being and Nothingness 10,591 353 C High
86 The Society of the Spectacle 10,576 352 Start Low
87 The History of Sexuality 10,192 339 Start Mid
88 The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction 10,173 339 C Mid
89 Great Learning 10,160 338 Start High
90 A Cyborg Manifesto 10,025 334 B Low
91 Analects 10,017 333 B High
92 Nausea (novel) 10,008 333 B Mid
93 The Road to Serfdom 9,982 332 C Mid
94 Anthem (novella) 9,682 322 C Low
95 Politics (Aristotle) 9,580 319 C High
96 Kokoro 9,541 318 C Low
97 Civil Disobedience (Thoreau) 9,517 317 Start Low
98 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 9,487 316 B High
99 Anti-Oedipus 9,466 315 B Mid
100 Phaedrus (dialogue) 9,454 315 C High
101 Two Treatises of Government 9,380 312 C High
102 Fathers and Sons (novel) 9,018 300 B Low
103 Timaeus (dialogue) 9,010 300 C High
104 The World as Will and Representation 8,955 298 B High
105 Being and Time 8,798 293 C High
106 De rerum natura 8,672 289 B Mid
107 Valis (novel) 8,646 288 Start Low
108 Socratic dialogue 8,493 283 C Mid
109 The Fall (Camus novel) 8,490 283 Start Mid
110 On the Genealogy of Morality 8,384 279 Start High
111 Apology (Plato) 8,303 276 C High
112 Hagakure 8,172 272 Start Low
113 Self-Reliance 8,098 269 Start Low
114 Lost literary work 8,049 268 List Low
115 Corpus Hermeticum 8,001 266 Start Low
116 Democracy in America 7,833 261 C Low
117 Fear and Trembling 7,812 260 Start High
118 Vishnu Purana 7,780 259 B Mid
119 Antifragile (book) 7,778 259 Start Low
120 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 7,625 254 Start Low
121 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 7,359 245 B High
122 As a Man Thinketh 7,109 236 Start Low
123 The Antichrist (book) 7,049 234 B Mid
124 Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses 7,044 234 Start Low
125 The Open Society and Its Enemies 7,023 234 C Mid
126 All About Love: New Visions 7,012 233 Stub Low
127 On Liberty 6,960 232 Start High
128 In Praise of Folly 6,864 228 Start High
129 The Human Condition 6,860 228 C Mid
130 A Defense of Abortion 6,834 227 C Low
131 The Conspiracy Against the Human Race 6,768 225 Start Low
132 On Bullshit 6,742 224 C Low
133 Chandogya Upanishad 6,734 224 B High
134 Encyclopédie 6,697 223 C High
135 The Prelude 6,694 223 Start Low
136 Phaedo 6,613 220 C High
137 Devi Bhagavata Purana 6,603 220 C Low
138 Meditations on First Philosophy 6,589 219 B High
139 Consciousness Explained 6,572 219 B Mid
140 On the Consolation of Philosophy 6,555 218 C Mid
141 Amerika (novel) 6,502 216 Start Low
142 The Man Without Qualities 6,497 216 Start Low
143 The Birth of Tragedy 6,435 214 C Low
144 Emile, or On Education 6,428 214 Start Low
145 Either/Or 6,294 209 C High
146 Tragic hero 6,288 209 Start Low
147 A Thousand Plateaus 6,286 209 B Mid
148 Dialectic of Enlightenment 6,249 208 Start Mid
149 Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will 6,222 207 Start Low
150 Philosophical Investigations 6,177 205 B High
151 Katha Upanishad 6,146 204 B High
152 Civilization and Its Discontents 6,106 203 Start Mid
153 Morality play 6,065 202 Start Low
154 Metaphysics (Aristotle) 6,056 201 C High
155 Darwin's Dangerous Idea 6,039 201 Start Mid
156 The Righteous Mind 6,011 200 Stub Low
157 The Art of Loving 5,995 199 Start Low
158 Arcadia (play) 5,978 199 B Low
159 The Obstacle Is the Way 5,907 196 C Low
160 The Canon of Medicine 5,876 195 B Mid
161 The Age of Reason 5,848 194 FA Mid
162 Germinal (novel) 5,784 192 Start Low
163 The Hedgehog and the Fox 5,776 192 Start Low
164 God Is Not Great 5,770 192 B Low
165 Enchiridion of Epictetus 5,722 190 B Mid
166 One-Dimensional Man 5,687 189 Start Low
167 Anarchy, State, and Utopia 5,667 188 C Mid
168 Essays (Montaigne) 5,664 188 C High
169 George Orwell bibliography 5,577 185 FL Low
170 Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium 5,472 182 B Low
171 The Spirit of Law 5,443 181 C High
172 First circle of hell 5,408 180 GA Low
173 I Am a Strange Loop 5,353 178 Start Low
174 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 5,350 178 C High
175 Works of Aristotle 5,346 178 Start Mid
176 An Essay on the Principle of Population 5,311 177 Start Mid
177 Chanakyaniti 5,302 176 Stub Low
178 The Rebel (book) 5,262 175 Stub Low
179 Wisdom literature 5,254 175 C High
180 Categories (Aristotle) 5,228 174 C High
181 De finibus bonorum et malorum 5,225 174 Start Low
182 Aldous Huxley bibliography 5,214 173 List Low
183 Discourse on the Method 5,206 173 C High
184 Twilight of the Idols 5,189 172 Start Mid
185 Why I Am an Atheist 5,176 172 Start Low
186 Ars Poetica (Horace) 5,164 172 C Low
187 Monadology 5,143 171 C High
188 Belmont Report 5,141 171 Start Low
189 Philosophical fiction 5,120 170 Start Mid
190 Organon 5,105 170 C High
191 Reflections on the Revolution in France 5,105 170 Start Mid
192 I and Thou 5,081 169 Start Mid
193 Rhetoric (Aristotle) 5,017 167 C Mid
194 The Theory of Moral Sentiments 5,008 166 Start Mid
195 The Problem of Pain 5,004 166 Stub Low
196 A Treatise of Human Nature 5,003 166 C High
197 The Conquest of Bread 4,992 166 Start Low
198 Euthyphro 4,982 166 C Mid
199 An Essay on Man 4,867 162 Start Mid
200 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 4,842 161 Start Mid
201 Rights of Man 4,822 160 Start Mid
202 Meno 4,774 159 C Mid
203 Discourse on Inequality 4,707 156 Start Mid
204 The Guide for the Perplexed 4,677 155 C High
205 The Order of Things 4,669 155 Start Mid
206 Ecce Homo (book) 4,666 155 Start Low
207 Isha Upanishad 4,603 153 B High
208 Existentialism Is a Humanism 4,596 153 Start High
209 A Grief Observed 4,577 152 C Low
210 The Sea, the Sea 4,566 152 Start Low
211 The German Ideology 4,563 152 Start Low
212 Slavoj Žižek bibliography 4,559 151 List Low
213 Breaking the Spell (Dennett book) 4,546 151 C Low
214 Works by Francis Bacon 4,537 151 Start Low
215 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 4,521 150 B High
216 The Sickness unto Death 4,516 150 C High
217 Fooled by Randomness 4,496 149 Start Low
218 Chinese classics 4,488 149 C Mid
219 The Clouds 4,486 149 C Mid
220 In Praise of Shadows 4,469 148 Start Mid
221 Extended mind thesis 4,462 148 C Low
222 Abhidharma 4,421 147 B Mid
223 The Judgment 4,384 146 Start Low
224 Novum Organum 4,384 146 Start High
225 Second circle of hell 4,366 145 GA Low
226 Philosophy in the Bedroom 4,330 144 C Low
227 A History of Western Philosophy 4,302 143 Start High
228 Areopagitica 4,259 141 C Mid
229 Mythologies (book) 4,245 141 Start Low
230 The Matter with Things 4,245 141 C Low
231 Life Is a Dream 4,243 141 C Low
232 What Is Enlightenment? 4,240 141 Start Low
233 The Third Policeman 4,233 141 C Low
234 On the Sublime 4,221 140 C Mid
235 Against Interpretation 4,137 137 Start Low
236 The Varieties of Religious Experience 4,135 137 C High
237 Difference and Repetition 4,134 137 Start Mid
238 Might Is Right 4,100 136 C Low
239 Famine, Affluence, and Morality 4,092 136 C Low
240 The Closing of the American Mind 4,066 135 C Mid
241 Notes on "Camp" 4,066 135 Start Low
242 Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems 4,039 134 C High
243 Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch 4,035 134 Start Mid
244 Mandukya Upanishad 4,034 134 B High
245 Nature (essay) 4,026 134 Start Low
246 Essays (Francis Bacon) 4,024 134 Start High
247 Justice as Fairness 3,979 132 C Mid
248 The Concept of Law 3,977 132 Start Low
249 Two Concepts of Liberty 3,923 130 C Mid
250 The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State 3,922 130 C Low
251 On the Soul 3,911 130 C High
252 Capitalism and Schizophrenia 3,910 130 Stub Mid
253 Skin in the Game (book) 3,872 129 Stub Low
254 The Subjection of Women 3,852 128 C Mid
255 Critique of Judgment 3,837 127 C High
256 The Moviegoer 3,827 127 Start Low
257 Beyond the Pleasure Principle 3,827 127 C Low
258 The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences 3,817 127 Start Low
259 Utilitarianism (book) 3,817 127 C High
260 The Doctrine of Fascism 3,742 124 Start Low
261 On Photography 3,705 123 Start Low
262 Human, All Too Human 3,684 122 Start Mid
263 Distinction (book) 3,651 121 C Low
264 What Is Life? 3,646 121 Start Mid
265 Das Kapital, Volume I 3,631 121 C Mid
266 Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences 3,612 120 Start Mid
267 Gorgias (dialogue) 3,591 119 C Mid
268 Crito 3,588 119 C Mid
269 The Ghost in the Machine 3,515 117 Start Low
270 Pensées 3,510 117 Start High
271 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful 3,502 116 Start Low
272 Third circle of hell 3,484 116 GA Low
273 Friedrich Nietzsche bibliography 3,483 116 List Low
274 The Book of Healing 3,445 114 C High
275 The Concept of Anxiety 3,443 114 Start Mid
276 After Virtue 3,421 114 Start Mid
277 The Technological Society 3,397 113 Start Low
278 Mundaka Upanishad 3,392 113 B High
279 Science of Logic 3,384 112 Stub Low
280 The Sublime Object of Ideology 3,374 112 Stub Low
281 Animal Liberation (book) 3,346 111 Start Low
282 Temporary Autonomous Zone 3,311 110 Start Low
283 Book of Rites 3,311 110 C High
284 The Incoherence of the Philosophers 3,304 110 Start High
285 The Principles of Psychology 3,255 108 Start Mid
286 Enneads 3,250 108 Start Mid
287 The Concept of the Political 3,249 108 Start Mid
288 Taittiriya Upanishad 3,249 108 B High
289 A Voyage to Arcturus 3,229 107 GA Mid
290 Moralistic therapeutic deism 3,221 107 Start Low
291 Tiqqun 3,178 105 C Low
292 The Will to Power (manuscript) 3,151 105 C High
293 The Ego and Its Own 3,123 104 Start Mid
294 Biographia Literaria 3,107 103 Start Low
295 La Peau de chagrin 3,106 103 FA Low
296 Parmenides (dialogue) 3,090 103 C Mid
297 Physics (Aristotle) 3,083 102 B High
298 Antigone (Anouilh play) 3,078 102 Start Mid
299 List of important publications in philosophy 3,070 102 List Mid
300 Theaetetus (dialogue) 3,068 102 C Mid
301 Technological Slavery 3,041 101 C Low
302 Revolt Against the Modern World 3,013 100 Stub Low
303 The Archaeology of Knowledge 3,000 100 Start Low
304 Discourses of Epictetus 2,977 99 C Mid
305 Principal Upanishads 2,968 98 List Mid
306 Han Feizi 2,954 98 C High
307 The Perennial Philosophy 2,945 98 Start Low
308 Critique of Practical Reason 2,920 97 B High
309 De Coelesti Hierarchia 2,909 96 Stub Low
310 Of Grammatology 2,900 96 Start Low
311 Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism 2,884 96 Stub Mid
312 On Contradiction 2,881 96 C Mid
313 What the Tortoise Said to Achilles 2,875 95 Start Low
314 Commentaries on the Laws of England 2,848 94 C Low
315 Illusions (Bach novel) 2,827 94 Start Low
316 Why I Am Not a Christian 2,795 93 Start Low
317 Fascist Manifesto 2,789 92 Start Low
318 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2,756 91 B High
319 Summa contra Gentiles 2,753 91 Start High
320 The Accursed Share 2,748 91 Start Low
321 The Postmodern Condition 2,748 91 C Low
322 A Happy Death 2,746 91 Start Low
323 Nyāya Sūtras 2,743 91 B Mid
324 Laws (dialogue) 2,727 90 Start Low
325 Critias (dialogue) 2,698 89 C Low
326 Against Method 2,683 89 Start Low
327 Fanged Noumena 2,672 89 C Low
328 The Question Concerning Technology 2,652 88 Start Low
329 Mūlamadhyamakakārikā 2,623 87 C Low
330 A Mathematician's Apology 2,623 87 Start Low
331 The Reactionary Mind 2,589 86 Stub Low
332 On the Bondage of the Will 2,584 86 Start Mid
333 Kena Upanishad 2,566 85 B High
334 Eros and Civilization 2,564 85 Start Mid
335 Grundrisse 2,560 85 Start Low
336 Zuo Zhuan 2,557 85 GA Mid
337 Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution 2,555 85 Start Low
338 Shvetashvatara Upanishad 2,550 85 B Low
339 Tractatus Theologico-Politicus 2,541 84 Start High
340 Kuzari 2,522 84 C Low
341 Cosmic Consciousness 2,511 83 Start Low
342 History of Animals 2,486 82 GA Low
343 De re publica 2,471 82 C Mid
344 Michel Foucault bibliography 2,456 81 List Low
345 Anti-Semite and Jew 2,453 81 Start Low
346 Bushido: The Soul of Japan 2,453 81 Start Mid
347 Man's Fate 2,452 81 Start Low
348 Tanya (Judaism) 2,450 81 C Low
349 Negative Dialectics 2,446 81 Stub Mid
350 The Over-Soul 2,439 81 Start Low
351 The Birth of the Clinic 2,436 81 Start Mid
352 The Art of Being Right 2,432 81 Start Low
353 Zadig 2,408 80 Start Low
354 Answer to Job 2,405 80 Stub Low
355 De Officiis 2,395 79 B Low
356 The New Science 2,389 79 Stub Mid
357 In Search of the Miraculous 2,384 79 Stub Low
358 Nietzsche contra Wagner 2,384 79 Start Low
359 Etymologiae 2,369 78 GA Mid
360 Camera Lucida (book) 2,345 78 Start Low
361 The Soul of Man Under Socialism 2,338 77 Start Low
362 Course in General Linguistics 2,326 77 C High
363 Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality 2,317 77 Stub Low
364 Anatomy of Criticism 2,310 77 Start Mid
365 The Gift (essay) 2,307 76 Start Low
366 Two Dogmas of Empiricism 2,300 76 C Mid
367 Contra Celsum 2,277 75 GA Mid
368 Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature 2,268 75 C Low
369 Tusculanae Disputationes 2,257 75 C Low
370 The Maxims of Ptahhotep 2,248 74 Start High
371 Specters of Marx 2,248 74 Start Low
372 The True Word 2,248 74 Start Low
373 The City of the Sun 2,231 74 Start Low
374 Cyropaedia 2,214 73 C Low
375 The Sovereignty of Good 2,182 72 B Low
376 Persian Letters 2,181 72 Start Low
377 Huainanzi 2,165 72 Start Low
378 A Conflict of Visions 2,164 72 Start Low
379 All That Is Solid Melts into Air 2,156 71 Stub Low
380 Freedom Evolves 2,155 71 Start Mid
381 Elements of the Philosophy of Right 2,154 71 C High
382 We the Living 2,152 71 C Low
383 Vivekacūḍāmaṇi 2,133 71 C Mid
384 The Guest (short story) 2,129 70 Stub Low
385 The Revolt of the Masses 2,129 70 Start Mid
386 Cratylus (dialogue) 2,081 69 C Mid
387 The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere 2,080 69 Start Low
388 Oration on the Dignity of Man 2,071 69 Start Mid
389 Art as Experience 2,055 68 Start Mid
390 Reasons and Persons 2,052 68 Start Low
391 The Meaning of Meaning 2,044 68 Start Low
392 The Will to Believe 2,041 68 Start Mid
393 Avadhuta Gita 2,027 67 Start Low
394 On Denoting 2,014 67 B Mid
395 Protagoras (dialogue) 1,981 66 C Mid
396 Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language 1,969 65 Start Mid
397 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 1,959 65 Start High
398 Minima Moralia 1,959 65 Start Mid
399 The Lightning and the Sun 1,953 65 Stub Low
400 The Necessity of Atheism 1,951 65 C Low
401 Libidinal Economy 1,941 64 Start Low
402 The Last Messiah 1,940 64 C Low
403 Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics 1,937 64 Start High
404 The Essence of Christianity 1,927 64 Start Mid
405 Anti-Dühring 1,926 64 Start Low
406 Process and Reality 1,916 63 Stub Low
407 Under the Net 1,911 63 C Low
408 The Book of Tea 1,906 63 Stub Low
409 Ion (dialogue) 1,887 62 C Mid
410 Untimely Meditations 1,885 62 Start Mid
411 Fashionable Nonsense 1,883 62 B Low
412 Begriffsschrift 1,879 62 C Mid
413 What Is Art? 1,856 61 C Low
414 The Poverty of Philosophy 1,856 61 Stub Low
415 On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense 1,848 61 Stub Low
416 Mencius (book) 1,844 61 C High
417 Theses on Feuerbach 1,838 61 C Low
418 Eureka: A Prose Poem 1,831 61 GA Low
419 Mysterium Cosmographicum 1,829 60 B Low
420 Lectures on the Philosophy of History 1,826 60 C Mid
421 The Concept of Mind 1,818 60 Start Mid
422 Somnium Scipionis 1,816 60 C Low
423 Cato's Letters 1,811 60 C Low
424 Society of Mind 1,810 60 Stub Low
425 Naming and Necessity 1,809 60 Start Mid
426 Repetition (Kierkegaard book) 1,801 60 Start Mid
427 Poimandres 1,790 59 Stub Low
428 Phenomenology of Perception 1,782 59 Stub Low
429 The Law (Bastiat book) 1,779 59 Start Low
430 The French Revolution: A History 1,774 59 Start Low
431 The Unreality of Time 1,757 58 Start Mid
432 Sophist (dialogue) 1,756 58 C Mid
433 Tao of Jeet Kune Do 1,750 58 Start Low
434 Lila: An Inquiry into Morals 1,746 58 Start Mid
435 The Story of Art 1,730 57 Stub Mid
436 Sentences 1,723 57 Start Mid
437 El Túnel 1,715 57 Start Low
438 The Origin of the Work of Art 1,713 57 C Mid
439 De Natura Deorum 1,709 56 B Low
440 Aesthetic Theory 1,708 56 Start Low
441 Better Never to Have Been 1,702 56 Start Low
442 The Need for Roots 1,692 56 B Low
443 Metaphysics of Morals 1,691 56 Stub Low
444 The Mind's I 1,688 56 Start Mid
445 Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial 1,676 55 Start Low
446 List of works by Thomas Aquinas 1,676 55 Start Mid
447 The Right to Be Lazy 1,661 55 Stub Low
448 A History of Philosophy (Copleston) 1,652 55 C Mid
449 The Philosophy of Freedom 1,651 55 Start Low
450 The First and Last Freedom 1,649 54 Stub Low
451 The Dialogic Imagination 1,649 54 C Low
452 Wittgenstein's Mistress 1,647 54 Start Low
453 The Roads to Freedom 1,646 54 Stub Low
454 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1,634 54 C Mid
455 The Philosophy of Money 1,634 54 Stub Low
456 Principles of Philosophy 1,632 54 Stub Mid
457 The Story of Philosophy 1,632 54 Start Low
458 Religio Medici 1,627 54 Start Low
459 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson 1,617 53 Start Low
460 The Life of the Mind 1,616 53 C Mid
461 Hubert Dreyfus's views on artificial intelligence 1,613 53 B Mid
462 De Brevitate Vitae (Seneca) 1,611 53 C Low
463 Aitareya Upanishad 1,607 53 C High
464 Prashna Upanishad 1,600 53 B Mid
465 Liezi 1,595 53 C Mid
466 Heidegger Gesamtausgabe 1,586 52 List Low
467 A Critique of Pure Tolerance 1,582 52 Start Low
468 A Letter Concerning Toleration 1,572 52 C Mid
469 The World of Null-A 1,565 52 C Low
470 Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity 1,564 52 Start Mid
471 On the Heavens 1,560 52 C Mid
472 To Have or to Be? 1,558 51 Stub Low
473 The Virtue of Selfishness 1,549 51 C Mid
474 The Solar Anus 1,540 51 Stub Low
475 Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences 1,538 51 Stub Mid
476 The Problems of Philosophy 1,536 51 Stub Low
477 The Thief's Journal 1,535 51 Stub Low
478 Waterland (novel) 1,535 51 Stub Low
479 A Vindication of the Rights of Men 1,534 51 FA Mid
480 Letter to a Christian Nation 1,524 50 C Low
481 History and Class Consciousness 1,517 50 Start Mid
482 The Literature of Exhaustion 1,512 50 Stub Low
483 Democracy and Education 1,507 50 Start Mid
484 Samkhyakarika 1,489 49 C Mid
485 Closer to Truth 1,484 49 Start Mid
486 Bibliography of Augustine of Hippo 1,480 49 List Mid
487 Nitisara 1,473 49 Start Mid
488 The New Criterion 1,460 48 Start Low
489 Cinema 1: The Movement Image 1,455 48 C Mid
490 The Bed of Procrustes 1,455 48 Stub Low
491 Prior Analytics 1,454 48 Start Mid
492 Proslogion 1,453 48 Start High
493 In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays 1,453 48 Start Low
494 Derveni papyrus 1,450 48 B Low
495 The Dawn of Day 1,448 48 Stub Low
496 The Phenomenon of Man 1,445 48 B Low
497 Eudemian Ethics 1,441 48 Start Mid
498 Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right 1,437 47 Stub Low
499 A Mathematician's Lament 1,437 47 Stub Low
500 First Alcibiades 1,435 47 C Low
501 Representative Men 1,435 47 Stub Low
502 Umberto Eco bibliography 1,426 47 List Low
503 Truth and Method 1,423 47 Start Mid
504 Epistemology of the Closet 1,417 47 Start Low
505 Humanist Manifesto 1,414 47 Start Low
506 Memorabilia (Xenophon) 1,412 47 Start Low
507 Is God Dead? 1,410 47 C Low
508 Between Heaven and Hell (novel) 1,404 46 Stub Low
509 The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars 1,403 46 Stub Low
510 Archive Fever 1,392 46 Stub Low
511 Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya 1,377 45 C Low
512 A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 1,371 45 Start Low
513 The Doomed City 1,367 45 Start Low
514 Philosophy and literature 1,365 45 Start High
515 Fi Zilal al-Quran 1,357 45 Stub Mid
516 Technopoly 1,351 45 C Low
517 Language, Truth, and Logic 1,336 44 Start Mid
518 Oeconomicus 1,335 44 C Low
519 On What Matters 1,330 44 Start Low
520 On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason 1,325 44 Start Mid
521 The Poverty of Historicism 1,323 44 Start Mid
522 The Laws of Thought 1,309 43 Start High
523 Meteorology (Aristotle) 1,299 43 C Low
524 Critique of Dialectical Reason 1,289 42 Start Mid
525 In a Different Voice 1,284 42 Start Low
526 The Abolition of Work 1,281 42 Start Mid
527 Satires (Horace) 1,280 42 C Mid
528 Posterior Analytics 1,277 42 Start Mid
529 The View from Nowhere 1,274 42 Stub Low
530 Principles of Political Economy 1,273 42 Start Mid
531 Time and Free Will 1,271 42 Stub Low
532 Guanzi (text) 1,270 42 Stub Low
533 Creative Evolution (book) 1,264 42 Stub Mid
534 Beyond Freedom and Dignity 1,263 42 Start Mid
535 Sophistical Refutations 1,263 42 Start Mid
536 Matter and Memory 1,258 41 Start Low
537 Viruses of the Mind 1,247 41 Start Low
538 Logicomix 1,246 41 Start Low
539 Hortensius (Cicero) 1,243 41 GA Low
540 Charmides (dialogue) 1,232 41 Start Mid
541 Some Thoughts Concerning Education 1,232 41 FA Mid
542 The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature 1,228 40 Stub Low
543 Materialism and Empirio-criticism 1,224 40 Start Low
544 An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 1,224 40 Start Mid
545 Artforum 1,221 40 Start Low
546 Golden Verses 1,213 40 Start Low
547 Maitrayaniya Upanishad 1,209 40 B Low
548 Lüshi Chunqiu 1,207 40 Start Low
549 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 1,206 40 Start Mid
550 The Man of Reason 1,204 40 Stub Low
551 Blue and Brown Books 1,203 40 Start Mid
552 A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge 1,199 39 C High
553 Maria: or, The Wrongs of Woman 1,198 39 C Low
554 List of manuscripts of Plato's dialogues 1,197 39 List Low
555 Passions of the Soul 1,195 39 Start Low
556 The Book of Joy 1,188 39 Stub Low
557 Adagia 1,187 39 C Low
558 Garbha Upanishad 1,186 39 C Mid
559 Humanist Manifesto II 1,182 39 Start Low
560 Enquiry Concerning Political Justice 1,176 39 Start Low
561 Man a Machine 1,166 38 Stub Low
562 Jacques Derrida bibliography 1,162 38 List Low
563 After Many a Summer 1,161 38 Start Low
564 Human Compatible 1,158 38 Start Low
565 On Interpretation 1,155 38 Start Mid
566 The Kalām Cosmological Argument 1,155 38 Start Low
567 Philebus 1,154 38 C Low
568 The Principle of Hope 1,149 38 Start Low
569 The Age of Reason (novel) 1,146 38 Stub Mid
570 Topics (Aristotle) 1,146 38 C Mid
571 John Rawls A Theory of Justice The Musical! 1,144 38 B Low
572 De libero arbitrio diatribe sive collatio 1,138 37 Stub Low
573 Encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity 1,133 37 B Low
574 De Cive 1,133 37 C High
575 Asclepius (treatise) 1,126 37 Start Low
576 Experience and Education (book) 1,122 37 C Mid
577 The Secrets of the Self 1,109 36 Start Low
578 On Certainty 1,109 36 Stub Low
579 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 1,104 36 Start Mid
580 The Incoherence of the Incoherence 1,094 36 Start High
581 Of Miracles 1,093 36 Start Mid
582 Isagoge 1,091 36 C Mid
583 Doxography 1,089 36 Start Mid
584 Les Temps modernes 1,082 36 Start Low
585 Hegemony and Socialist Strategy 1,082 36 Start Low
586 Statesman (dialogue) 1,076 35 Start Low
587 What We Owe the Future 1,073 35 C Low
588 Wittgenstein's Poker 1,071 35 Start Low
589 Acres of Skin 1,064 35 Start Low
590 The Logic of Sense 1,059 35 Stub Low
591 England, England 1,058 35 Start Low
592 The Tao of Wu 1,058 35 Stub Low
593 The Ecology of Freedom 1,058 35 B Low
594 Avant-Garde and Kitsch 1,052 35 Start Low
595 List of philosophy journals 1,052 35 List Mid
596 Brainstorms 1,051 35 Stub Mid
597 A Short History of Decay (book) 1,045 34 B Low
598 De Legibus 1,043 34 B Mid
599 The Call of the Marching Bell 1,043 34 Start Low
600 Black Notebooks 1,041 34 Start Low
601 The Sense of Beauty 1,038 34 Start Low
602 Works of Love 1,034 34 Start Mid
603 Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe 1,032 34 Start Low
604 List of films about philosophers 1,031 34 List Low
605 Tantrāloka 1,021 34 Start Mid
606 Opus Majus 1,018 33 Start Mid
607 A Guide for the Perplexed 1,017 33 Start Low
608 Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? 1,009 33 Stub Low
609 Laughter (book) 1,008 33 Start Low
610 Exile and the Kingdom 1,005 33 Stub Low
611 The Conservative Mind 1,004 33 C Mid
612 The Case of Wagner 994 33 Stub Low
613 The Master of Go 990 33 Start Low
614 Lysis (dialogue) 985 32 C Low
615 An Essay Towards a Real Character, and a Philosophical Language 980 32 Start Low
616 Théodicée 973 32 Stub Mid
617 The Life of Reason 973 32 Start Low
618 Mind (journal) 970 32 Start High
619 Writing and Difference 959 31 Start Mid
620 The Foundations of Arithmetic 956 31 Start High
621 Heaven and Hell (essay) 955 31 Start Low
622 Intellectuals and Society 955 31 Start Low
623 The Garden of Cyrus 942 31 Start Low
624 On the Freedom of the Will 941 31 Start Low
625 List of works by Hannah Arendt 941 31 List Mid
626 The Vision of the Anointed 936 31 Start Low
627 The Development of Metaphysics in Persia 935 31 Stub Low
628 List of works by Lucian 931 31 List Low
629 Apology (Xenophon) 927 30 Start Low
630 Principia Ethica 927 30 Start Mid
631 A Vindication of Natural Society 926 30 Start Low
632 List of editiones principes in Latin 925 30 List Low
633 The Art of Worldly Wisdom 923 30 Stub Low
634 Yoga Upanishads 923 30 C Low
635 Dictionnaire philosophique 922 30 Start Low
636 Marriage and Morals 916 30 Start Mid
637 Beatrice and Virgil 914 30 Start Low
638 Mind and Cosmos 907 30 Start Low
639 Maha Upanishad 906 30 B Low
640 Seneca's Consolations 904 30 C Low
641 The Consolations of Philosophy 899 29 C Low
642 Maryland Toleration Act 898 29 GA Low
643 The Book of Lord Shang 898 29 Start Low
644 Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments 897 29 C High
645 The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam 896 29 Stub Low
646 Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous 896 29 Start Mid
647 Lectures on Aesthetics 894 29 Stub Mid
648 Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason 891 29 Start Mid
649 Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime 888 29 C Mid
650 Toronto school of communication theory 882 29 C Mid
651 The Fourth Way (book) 881 29 Stub Low
652 The Pigeon (novella) 880 29 Stub Low
653 Discourse on Voluntary Servitude 880 29 Stub Low
654 What Is Literature? 879 29 Stub Low
655 Seventh Letter 878 29 C Mid
656 Rameau's Nephew 878 29 Start Low
657 Totality and Infinity 877 29 Start Mid
658 Laches (dialogue) 876 29 Start Low
659 De Docta Ignorantia 876 29 Stub Low
660 Technics and Civilization 874 29 Start Low
661 Convivio 873 29 Start Low
662 The Sleepwalkers (Broch novel) 872 29 Start Low
663 Letters from an American Farmer 870 29 GA Low
664 Heretics (book) 870 29 Stub Low
665 Nālaṭiyār 869 28 C Mid
666 Symposium (Xenophon) 863 28 C Low
667 Aristotle's Masterpiece 857 28 Start Low
668 The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God 855 28 Start Low
669 Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography 853 28 List Low
670 Between Past and Future 846 28 Start Low
671 Course of Positive Philosophy 844 28 Stub Low
672 Elbow Room (Dennett book) 841 28 Start Mid
673 List of anarchist periodicals 840 28 List Low
674 Speech and Phenomena 839 27 Start Mid
675 Galenic corpus 838 27 List Low
676 Euthydemus (dialogue) 836 27 Start Low
677 De omnibus dubitandum est 818 27 Stub Low
678 Rudrakshajabala Upanishad 812 27 B Low
679 Stages on Life's Way 811 27 C Mid
680 Critique of Cynical Reason 807 26 Start Low
681 On the Juche Idea 805 26 C Low
682 Wage Labour and Capital 798 26 Start Low
683 Reflections on Violence 798 26 Stub Low
684 An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals 797 26 Start Mid
685 On the Basis of Morality 795 26 Stub Low
686 The Adulterous Woman 795 26 Start Low
687 Synthese 793 26 C Low
688 De Arte Combinatoria 789 26 Start Mid
689 Yoga-kundalini Upanishad 789 26 B Low
690 PhilPapers 788 26 Start Low
691 Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks 784 26 Stub Low
692 On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference to Socrates 784 26 Stub Low
693 What Is Philosophy? (Deleuze and Guattari book) 783 26 Start Low
694 De Divinatione 779 25 Start Low
695 Practical Ethics 776 25 Stub Low
696 Glas (book) 775 25 C Low
697 Racecraft 775 25 C Low
698 The Case for Animal Rights 772 25 Start Low
699 Patriarcha 772 25 Stub Low
700 Testament of Ieyasu 772 25 Start Low
701 Revolting Prostitutes 772 25 B Low
702 Being in the World 770 25 Stub Low
703 Economics (Aristotle) 769 25 C Low
704 Explosion in a Cathedral 766 25 Stub Low
705 A System of Logic 764 25 Start Low
706 A Hacker Manifesto 764 25 Start Low
707 The Reason of State 761 25 Stub Low
708 Word and Object 761 25 Start Mid
709 Rhythmanalysis 758 25 Start Low
710 Reading Capital 757 25 Start Low
711 Mr. Palomar 755 25 Stub Low
712 Catechism of a Revolutionary 755 25 C Low
713 Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens 753 25 Stub Low
714 Technics and Time, 1 752 25 C Low
715 The Public and Its Problems 751 25 C Low
716 Post-Scarcity Anarchism 751 25 C Mid
717 Devi Upanishad 748 24 GA Low
718 Leviathan and the Air-Pump 744 24 B Low
719 Thirteen Classics 744 24 Start High
720 Chovot HaLevavot 742 24 C Low
721 Metamagical Themas 739 24 Start Low
722 Zionism from the Standpoint of Its Victims 739 24 B Low
723 Philosophical Fragments 738 24 C High
724 Naturales quaestiones 733 24 C Low
725 Science of value 731 24 Start Low
726 Narayana Upanishad 730 24 C Low
727 Epistle to Yemen 728 24 Stub Low
728 Justice as Fairness: A Restatement 726 24 Start Mid
729 A Treatise on Probability 726 24 C Low
730 Treatise on Tolerance 722 24 Start Low
731 On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians 720 24 Start Low
732 Hippias Major 718 23 C Mid
733 Søren Kierkegaard bibliography 717 23 List Low
734 Logical Investigations (Husserl) 715 23 C Mid
735 Essays: First Series 714 23 Stub Low
736 Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity 712 23 GA Low
737 October (journal) 710 23 Start Low
738 Vachanamrut 707 23 B Mid
739 The Skeptic's Dictionary 706 23 Start Low
740 Considerations on Representative Government 706 23 Stub Low
741 On Generation and Corruption 705 23 Start Low
742 Zarathustra's roundelay 704 23 Start Low
743 An Honest Thief 704 23 Start Low
744 Inner Experience 699 23 Start Mid
745 Tarka-Sangraha 698 23 C Low
746 Fihi Ma Fihi 696 23 Stub Low
747 Modern Moral Philosophy 694 23 Stub Low
748 Proofs and Refutations 691 23 Start Low
749 The System of Nature 690 23 Start Low
750 Nietzsche and Philosophy 687 22 Stub Low
751 Le Ton beau de Marot 686 22 Start Low
752 The Critic as Artist 684 22 Stub Low
753 Undoing Gender 683 22 Stub Low
754 The Analysis of Beauty 683 22 Start Low
755 Persecution and the Art of Writing 680 22 Stub Mid
756 The Sky Crawlers 678 22 Start Low
757 The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America 674 22 Start Low
758 Parts of Animals 673 22 Start Low
759 Academica (Cicero) 673 22 C Low
760 Grammar of Assent 669 22 Start Low
761 Telos (journal) 668 22 Start Low
762 Alan Watts bibliography 666 22 List Low
763 Rules for the Direction of the Mind 664 22 Stub Low
764 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion 663 22 Stub Low
765 The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology 663 22 Start Mid
766 Philosophical Gourmet Report 658 21 Start Low
767 Paradoxa Stoicorum 658 21 C Low
768 Natural Supernaturalism 657 21 Stub Low
769 Cartesian linguistics 653 21 C Low
770 The Imaginary (Sartre) 652 21 Start Low
771 On Vision and Colours 651 21 Start Low
772 The Blood of Others 650 21 Start Mid
773 Laelius de Amicitia 646 21 Start Low
774 Agapē Agape 646 21 Stub Low
775 Philosophy of the Unconscious 643 21 Stub Low
776 Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate 643 21 C Low
777 De Clementia 640 21 C Low
778 Freud and Philosophy 639 21 B Low
779 Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism 637 21 B Low
780 A Defence of Common Sense 636 21 Stub Low
781 Tanner Lectures on Human Values 635 21 Stub Mid
782 Lex, Rex 635 21 Stub Low
783 Jabala Upanishad 635 21 GA Low
784 Systems of Survival 633 21 Start Low
785 Leibniz–Clarke correspondence 633 21 Stub Mid
786 De Tranquillitate Animi 633 21 C Low
787 De Vita Beata 629 20 C Mid
788 Copleston–Russell debate 626 20 Start Low
789 De libero arbitrio voluntatis 625 20 C Mid
790 The Geography of Thought 622 20 Stub Low
791 Summa 619 20 Start Low
792 Hayagriva Upanishad 619 20 B Low
793 Policraticus 617 20 Stub Low
794 Kaivalya Upanishad 617 20 GA Low
795 A Calendar of Wisdom 616 20 Stub Low
796 De divisione naturae 614 20 Start Mid
797 Kaushitaki Upanishad 610 20 C Low
798 Journal of Business Ethics 608 20 Start Low
799 The Global Trap 606 20 Start Low
800 Foundations of the Science of Knowledge 606 20 Stub Mid
801 The Origin of German Tragic Drama 605 20 Stub Low
802 The Fragility of Goodness 605 20 Stub Low
803 Nrisimha Tapaniya Upanishad 605 20 B Mid
804 The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity 604 20 Start Low
805 Origin of the Bhagavata Purana 600 20 C Low
806 Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist 597 19 Stub Low
807 Xunzi (book) 597 19 C Mid
808 Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal 596 19 C Low
809 Liberalism: A Counter-History 594 19 C Low
810 Library of Friedrich Nietzsche 592 19 Start Low
811 Qingjing Jing 592 19 Start Mid
812 Vajrasuchi Upanishad 591 19 B Low
813 The Chips Are Down (screenplay) 590 19 Stub Low
814 Irrational Man 590 19 Stub Low
815 The Law of Peoples 589 19 Start Mid
816 Marius the Epicurean 589 19 Stub Low
817 The Transcendence of the Ego 589 19 Start Low
818 On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems 586 19 Start Mid
819 The Renegade (short story) 585 19 Start Low
820 The Commonwealth of Oceana 581 19 Start Low
821 Epistles (Plato) 578 19 C Low
822 Natural Law and Natural Rights 577 19 Start Low
823 Upadeśasāhasrī 572 19 C High
824 Introduction to Metaphysics (Heidegger book) 570 19 Start High
825 Liberalism and the Limits of Justice 570 19 Stub Low
826 The Right and the Good 570 19 B Low
827 The Methods of Ethics 567 18 Stub Low
828 Transformative Experience 566 18 C Low
829 Commentaries on Aristotle 565 18 B Low
830 Kalagni Rudra Upanishad 564 18 B Low
831 On Colors 563 18 Start Low
832 Dattatreya Upanishad 563 18 Start Low
833 Menexenus (dialogue) 562 18 Start Low
834 Cato Maior de Senectute 561 18 Start Low
835 Cartesian Meditations 558 18 Stub Low
836 The Malaise of Modernity 558 18 Stub Low
837 Slowness (novel) 557 18 Start Low
838 Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne 554 18 C Low
839 Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers 553 18 Redirect NA
840 The Turing Guide 550 18 Start Low
841 Discourse on Metaphysics 549 18 Stub High
842 The Solitaire Mystery 549 18 Start Low
843 On Abstinence from Eating Animals 549 18 C Low
844 The Encyclopedia of Philosophy 548 18 Stub Low
845 The Philosophy of 'As if' 548 18 Stub Low
846 For Marx 545 18 Start Low
847 No Treason 544 18 Start Low
848 Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" 542 18 Start Low
849 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition 539 17 Stub Low
850 Saint Genet 538 17 Stub Low
851 György Lukács bibliography 538 17 List Mid
852 Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione 535 17 Stub Low
853 The Birth of Biopolitics 530 17 Stub Low
854 Atma Upanishad 530 17 Start Low
855 Magna Moralia 529 17 Stub Low
856 Humanist Manifesto I 528 17 Stub Low
857 Man and Technics 527 17 Stub Low
858 Parva Naturalia 527 17 Stub Low
859 On the Plurality of Worlds 525 17 Stub Low
860 Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind 524 17 Stub Low
861 Hermocrates (dialogue) 523 17 Start Low
862 Mahanarayana Upanishad 523 17 B Low
863 What I Believe (E. M. Forster essay) 522 17 Start Low
864 Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius 522 17 Stub Low
865 Generation of Animals 521 17 C Low
866 Where Mathematics Comes From 520 17 Start Low
867 Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose 520 17 Start Low
868 Shakta Upanishads 520 17 Start Low
869 What Is Enlightenment? (Foucault) 518 17 Start Low
870 Port-Royal Logic 517 17 Stub Mid
871 Spinoza: Practical Philosophy 515 17 Start Low
872 Rama Rahasya Upanishad 514 17 B Low
873 Commentaries on Living 513 17 Stub Low
874 The Science of Consciousness 513 17 Stub Low
875 Sariraka Upanishad 513 17 B Low
876 Sum of Logic 505 16 Start Mid
877 Tirukkural translations into English 505 16 List Low
878 Defensor pacis 504 16 Start Low
879 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology 503 16 C Low
880 List of works by Madhvacharya 503 16 List Low
881 Tales of the Hasidim 503 16 Start Low
882 Saving the Appearances 502 16 Stub Low
883 Holism and Evolution 502 16 Start Low
884 Journal of the History of Ideas 501 16 Stub Low
885 On the Universe 496 16 C Low
886 Law, Legislation and Liberty 494 16 Stub Low
887 Limited Inc 490 16 Start Low
888 Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy 489 16 Stub Low
889 Journal of Consciousness Studies 488 16 Start Low
890 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 488 16 Stub Low
891 Statism and Anarchy 488 16 Stub Low
892 The Good Book (book) 488 16 Start Low
893 Port-Royal Grammar 485 16 Stub Low
894 New Essays on Human Understanding 485 16 Stub Low
895 Cynic epistles 484 16 Start Low
896 Atlas of AI 482 16 Start Low
897 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics 479 15 Start Mid
898 Minos (dialogue) 478 15 C Low
899 Culture and Value 478 15 Stub Low
900 Sita Upanishad 478 15 B Low
901 Daedalus; or, Science and the Future 474 15 Start Low
902 For a New Liberty 473 15 Start Low
903 Taking Rights Seriously 473 15 Stub Low
904 Nuptials (essays) 473 15 Start Mid
905 The Crock of Gold (novel) 471 15 Stub Low
906 The Romantic Manifesto 470 15 C Low
907 The Differend 469 15 Stub Low
908 Security, Territory, Population 469 15 Stub Low
909 A New History of Western Philosophy 469 15 Start Low
910 Two Tracts on Government 468 15 Start Low
911 Mesillat Yesharim 467 15 Start Low
912 Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom 460 15 Start Mid
913 Remarks on Colour 459 15 Start Low
914 The American Religion 459 15 Start Low
915 Hypatia (journal) 458 15 B Low
916 The God of the Machine 458 15 Start Low
917 Spheres trilogy 457 15 Start Low
918 Knowing and the Known 456 15 Stub Mid
919 Physiognomonics 456 15 Start Low
920 The Rape of the A*P*E* 455 15 C Low
921 Tractatus Politicus 453 15 Stub Low
922 Power: A New Social Analysis 451 15 C Low
923 Religion and Nothingness 450 15 Stub Low
924 Krishnamurti's Notebook 449 14 Start Low
925 Shandilya Upanishad 449 14 B Low
926 Critique of the Schopenhauerian philosophy 445 14 Start Low
927 Wenzi 444 14 C Low
928 Hippias Minor 443 14 C Low
929 The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth 442 14 Stub Low
930 Sophistic works of Antiphon 441 14 Stub Low
931 Letter 47 (Seneca) 441 14 Start Low
932 Imaginary Conversations 440 14 Start Low
933 Gabriel's Wing 439 14 Stub Low
934 Samayasāra 439 14 Stub Low
935 PHerc. Paris. 4 439 14 B Low
936 Tripura Upanishad 438 14 Start Low
937 The Outdatedness of Human Beings 437 14 Stub Low
938 The Stuff of Thought 436 14 Stub Low
939 The New Wittgenstein 435 14 Start Low
940 The Possessed (play) 434 14 Stub Low
941 Hatata 434 14 Start Low
942 False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism 433 14 Stub Low
943 Gertrud (novel) 432 14 Stub Low
944 The Transcendent Philosophy of the Four Journeys of the Intellect 430 14 Start Mid
945 On the Cave of the Nymphs in the Odyssey 430 14 Start Low
946 In Defense of Anarchism 428 14 C Mid
947 Life of Jesus (Hegel) 428 14 Stub Low
948 The Reprieve 427 14 Stub Low
949 Liber de causis 427 14 Stub Mid
950 Incomplete Nature 427 14 Start Low
951 Invariances 426 14 Start Low
952 Anarky (comic book) 426 14 B Low
953 You Must Change Your Life 425 14 Stub Low
954 Javid Nama 423 14 Start Mid
955 On the Poverty of Student Life 423 14 Start Low
956 The Journal of Philosophy 421 14 Stub Low
957 Now and After 421 14 Start Low
958 Nadabindu Upanishad 420 14 B Mid
959 Hamsa Upanishad 419 13 B Low
960 The Closing of the Western Mind 417 13 Stub Low
961 The Philosophical Review 416 13 Stub Low
962 Essay on the Origin of Languages 416 13 Start Low
963 Doing Good Better 416 13 Start Low
964 What Is This Thing Called Science? 414 13 Start Low
965 Elements of Theology 414 13 Start Mid
966 Philosophy Now 413 13 Start Low
967 Self-Made Men 412 13 Start Low
968 The Situations and Names of Winds 412 13 Start Low
969 Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers 410 13 Start Low
970 The Passion of the Western Mind 410 13 Stub Low
971 De fato 410 13 Start Low
972 Four Dissertations 409 13 Stub Low
973 Clitophon (dialogue) 408 13 B Low
974 The Ethics of Liberty 406 13 Start Low
975 Reason and Revolution 405 13 Stub Low
976 Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar 405 13 Start Low
977 Protrepticus (Aristotle) 404 13 Start Mid
978 De Providentia 403 13 Start Low
979 Philosophy of Existence 403 13 Stub Low
980 On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life 403 13 C Low
981 Contributions to Philosophy 402 13 Start Low
982 Fundamentals of Marxism–Leninism 396 13 Start Low
983 Barhaspatya sutras 394 13 Stub Low
984 The Most Good You Can Do 393 13 Start Low
985 Essays: Second Series 392 13 Stub Low
986 Troubled Sleep 391 13 Stub Low
987 Ethical Consumer 390 13 Start Low
988 The Religion of Man 390 13 Stub Low
989 The Secrets of Selflessness 390 13 Start Low
990 De umbris idearum 389 12 Stub Low
991 Our Posthuman Future 386 12 Stub Low
992 Rival Lovers 386 12 C Low
993 The Age of the World Picture 386 12 Stub Low
994 Practice in Christianity 385 12 Start Mid
995 Problems (Aristotle) 385 12 Stub Low
996 Living in the End Times 383 12 Stub Mid
997 The Counter-Revolution of Science 383 12 Start Mid
998 De spectaculis 382 12 Start Low
999 The Morals of Chess 382 12 Stub Low
1000 Lament for a Nation 378 12 Start Low