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Talk:Carbonated water/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Freezing and Boiling Point?

How does carbonation effect the freezing and boiling point of water? How should I figure this out?

—The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:10, 2 January 2007 (UTC).

Seltzer is...

In the US, seltzer is a generic term for carbonated water. It is distinguished from club soda by containing no salts whatever, though I don't know if bottlers always make that distinction. It is not a brand name, nor is it a registered trademark standing on its own (though there is a musical group trademarked as "Seltzer."

If Seltzer is a brand name in other countries, we could specify this, but the qualifier says US, and it isn't a brand in the US.

The article implies otherwise, suggesting only flavored carbonated water is seltzer, but I believe the above to be correct. --20:15, 2004 Dec 31 (UTC)
The article is (was) wrong. Seltzer is unflavored and is a synonym of carbonated water and soda water. See http://web.foodnetwork.com/food/web/encyclopedia/termdetail/0,,1673,00.html
I have a bottles of seltzer water and of club soda from the Safeway brand. The seltzer is just carbonated water, the club soda has sodium citrate in it as well. The Ungovernable Force 03:47, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
What about the CO2 concentrations? Are they traditionally the same for the two waters? I can't tell by looking at the labels.

Bottled Seltzer

Besides being a staple of slapstick comedy, seltzer water is an icon of the early 20th century. Probably everyone has seen the bottles on TV or in movies, press the lever and out comes the water. Should this be mentioned here? I don't know much about them, but I have one that I could photograph for the article. --Elijah 20:15, 2004 Dec 31 (UTC)

Yes, that would be a good addition. It is still possible to buy seltzer in those bottles in some locales (delivered only). It makes a better mixer (or egg cream) than the stuff in conventional soda bottles. -- Cecropia | explains it all ® 07:29, 6 Jan 2005 (UTC)
Can you photograph you or one of your friends taking a shot in the kisser? That would be a good addition to the slapstick section! Fresh seltzer lightly shaken should be sufficient. I don't know if any of the 3 Stooges films have fallen into the public domain. Ewlyahoocom 01:07, 1 October 2005 (UTC)
You could buy those bottles pre-filled and pre-pressurised from the soft-drink factory. You could also buy capsules of compressed carbon dioxide which you be put into the bottle to make your own carbonated water. Curiously this is not mentioned anywhere.Eregli bob (talk) 10:22, 2 May 2010 (UTC)


I've just added some info about Preistley which I was suprised to see missing from this article. I've only just now realised that an anon IP removed similar info in January. There may have been some confusion as the date previously given for Priestley's discovery was 30 years too late! Presumably why the anon IP removed this info as he didn't think it worth mentioning due to the later date. Jooler 13:05, 18 Mar 2005 (UTC)

William Brownrigg ?

An encyclopedia of invention that I have mentions William Brownrigg (England 1711(?)-1800) as the first to produce carbonated water, in 1741. It also refers Joseph Priestley's work as dated from 1792, not 1772 as the article currently states. A quick web search gave me no confirmation of this so, although this is not unusual for a 18th century subject, I decided not to include it in the article for now. Can anyone confirm this? --Nabla 23:10, 2005 May 9 (UTC) The external link at the article confirms the date of 1772... yet my question about William Brownrigg still stand. --Nabla 23:16, 2005 May 9 (UTC)

carbonic acid or carbon dioxide?

The article's introduction says:

Carbonated water (...) is water containing carbon dioxide, which bubbles out when the drink is depressurised.

Wouldn't it be better to say carbonated water contains both carbon dioxide and carbonic acid, with ladder breaking down to carbon dioxide?

--Abdull 09:22, 25 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I've added a reference to the article on Carbonation which goes into more detail on the carbonic acid angle. I think that should be sufficient as anyone who's really interested will probably follow that link. Ewlyahoocom 01:11, 1 October 2005 (UTC)


Is there a comment on whether Carbonated Water is healthy at all?

It would be very helpful if Carbonated Water's hydrating properties (or lack thereof) on the human body were cited in the article. -->Is Carbonated Water as good as tap water for hydrating the body? -->Would it be healthy to completely substitute carbonated water for regular water in the diet?? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:23, 29 October 2008 (UTC)

Sparkling Water

i tink that we should include an little piece about how sparkling water is so tasty. he should include that it is much better than regulator water and it is very zingy and crazy delicous. my favorite sparkling water beverage is H2Oh! Original Sparkling Water Beverage

Yours truly, Sparkling Water Cup

Sorry, we can't include that, because it's just your point of view. I have a friend that hates carbonated water; he says it burns his throat. On the other hand, if you can find a specific notable person that has extolled the virtues of sparkling water in some publication, then by all means, add that. —Keenan Pepper 15:40, 1 September 2006 (UTC)

Clarity concerning use for stain removal

Carbonated water is reputed to be good for removing stains, for example coffee stains from mugs, or stains from silver. It is said that red wine stains can be prevented from setting by sprinkling table salt on the stain and then applying liberal amounts of carbonated water. This has, however, been disproved by the MythBusters.

Is this saying that all of these uses are fictional, or just the one concerning red wine? - 23:14, 7 October 2006 (UTC)

Which episode of Mythbusters was it disproved on? A cursory search of the episode lists didn't turn up anything. I think it should be cited. The reason I'm curious is because I've used club soda and salt to get red wine stains out before.

Made with salt?

Right at the top of the intro, it says

In the past, soda water was produced in the home by "charging" a refillable seltzer bottle by filling it with water and then adding sodium cloride.

Can this possibly be accurate? Water with sodium chloride in it is just salt water. There's no CO2 outgassing at all - in fact there's no carbon. Wbster's says it's 'a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate with some acid added to cause effervescence' which sounds more likely.

Apolgies for the various newbie violations, but hopefully this can be cleared up and deleted soon. 01:18, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

changed the health effects slightly

big thank-you to whoever put in the health effects with the related links to the scientific studies.

i tried to simplify some of the terms used in the descriptions as i found them puzzling myself and wanted to make it as easy to understand as possible.

i hope the person who wrote this section thinks my additions are okay.y a

Seltzer or soda waters, How Healthy are they?

In recent years, America has seen the rise of the soda, with millions of gallons of soda consumed in the country each year. Many people drink multiple sodas each day and drink away hundreds of calories in the sodas alone. Newer studies are showing that some sodas that are filled with sugar and empty calories may be contributing to obesity in the nation, as well as other health problems as well. Some are beginning to recognize the dangers and change over to drinking seltzer and soda waters as alternative drinks to sodas.Hi you know that this can be edited rite?

Although many people are switching over to seltzer water drinks and flavored soda waters instead of drinking sodas, there are some who wonder whether or not the beverage choices are actually more healthy, or just a jazzed up version of the same old problem. Believe it or not, these new choices of seltzer water and soda waters actually are a great deal healthier than sodas. They actually are just regular water that has been carbonated and are usually just as healthy as drinking regular water, but with a bit more pizzazz and zip to them. They even top out diet sodas, since they are not filled with artificial sweeteners, which in some cases can be harmful.

If you want a drink with a bit more flavor than the plain seltzer waters, you may want to check out the flavored waters. Usually these waters are naturally flavored and do not contain sugar or artificial sweeteners and give water a whole new flavor. You can reap all the great health benefits of drinking your eight glasses of water daily, while enjoying great flavors, such as lemon, peach, strawberry, and even lime. What a great way to enjoy staying hydrated and healthy. You will want to make sure that you take a look at the labels of these types of water to make sure that there is not a great deal of sugar or sodium added along with the tasty flavor.

Another reason that these seltzer and soda waters can be a healthy choice is because some of them are now adding minerals and vitamins to them. While just drinking plain water is great for you, these new water products can help you get some of the extra nutrients that you may not be getting every day in your diet. While some may not have a significant amount of vitamins and minerals in them, every bit definitely helps when it comes to your health. Those who have low mineral deficiencies may be great candidates for drinking this type of water as well.

While many of the seltzer water and soda water choices are excellent and healthy drinks, there are some things that you may want to watch out for. There are some of these waters that may be adding in other ingredients. One thing you really need to watch out for is the sodium content. Some of these waters can have very high sodium contents in order to give them flavor. In this case, the seltzer or soda waters containing high sodium may actually dehydrate you instead of giving you the hydration that you need.

If you want to make seltzer water even more healthy for you, you may want to consider making your own mixtures. You can mix this carbonated water with various fruit juices to get a healthy drink, which is like a soda, to fill your “fizzy” craving. seltzer waters also make great additives with warm versions, like apple cider as well. Having a great tasting drink and a healthy drink no longer have to be different things. You can have a great tasting drink that is healthy for you as well, without drinking a great deal of empty calories that will add to your waistline.

All in all, more Americans should probably be making the switch to these seltzer and soda waters instead of drinking so much soda. While sodas tend to dehydrate you, these tasty waters can help you stay hydrated and will have you feeling much better as well. If you want a healthy alternative for you and even for your children, these drinks can be great choices.

Author: CD Harris SeltzerAndSoda.com[1]

how much pressure?

soda water is under how much pressure of carbon dioxide?CorvetteZ51 16:22, 4 August 2007 (UTC)

"Hazards of pop bottles" citations?

The Hazards subsection under health effects has no citations or references and appears to be copied out of some non-Wikipedia article. Can someone check on this? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:05, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

This is modified slightly from what I wrote on talk:Carbonation:

Looks like Edward Willhoft added this section sometime previously on the wrong page, got angry when it was removed, and pasted it directly into this article and the article on carbonation. I don't think its appropriate for inclusion on this page, an article about carbonated water -- not sodas or carbonated beverage containers. I think we should remove it or at least find a better place for it. Objections? Jhamon 19:01, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
Done. Gone. -adavidw 06:20, 1 October 2007 (UTC)


Could do with a section on the fizzy water industry - Perrier, San Pellegrino and the like are big businesses. That could then lead on to some discussion of the hazards like the benzene scare and so on FlagSteward 13:49, 1 October 2007 (UTC)

Environmental Impact of Soda

It takes at least 3 liters of water to produce your one liter plastic water bottle. 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to make plastic bottles each year. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:03, 10 September 2009 (UTC)

Club soda - The name

Can anyone write up something abou the naming? ĞavinŤing 18:41, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

Sodium bicarbonate

From http://www.recipe4all.com/ingredient/soda/

"Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), or sodium hydrogen carbonate, also known as baking soda and bicarbonate of soda, is a soluble white anhydrous or crystalline compound, with a slight alkaline taste resembling that of sodium carbonate. It is found in many mineral springs and also produced artificially.

"It is used in combination with acidic compounds as a leavening agent in baking: some forms of baking powder contain sodium bicarbonate. Formerly, it was used as a source of carbon dioxide for soda water."

My understanding has always been that 'soda water' is produced as per above which results in the slightly salty flavor. This differs from 'carbonated water' which is produced from CO2 which does not have this flavor present. The article should make this distinction clear - in fact it should not redirect 'soda water' to this article but remain a separate article as it used to. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Andreas Toth (talkcontribs) 07:58, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

The article is wrong

There is a difference between seltzer water and sparkling water. Just today my doctor advised me to drink seltzer water because it has quinine. I told her I drink sparkling water, and she didn't say "they're the same", she repeated to drink seltzer water. I wish I knew all the little differences, so I could just correct the article, but I'm sure that the differences I know about are just the tip of the iceberg. Please take down the general article on carbonated water and separate out the different types of fizzy water. Thanks. (talk) 15:21, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

It sounds like what you want is "tonic water" or "quinine water", as opposed to "seltzer water". I've tasted tonic water and it had a slight bitter taste. I don't know if you can find it in a regular grocery store, but I imagine any liquor store would stock it for the "gin and tonic" drinkers.

Tonics are definitely available through regular grocery stores. Examples are Schweppes drinks, Evervess and the like. Not sure if Evervess is marketed in the USA, though. (talk) 13:14, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

Seltzer v. carbonated water

What is the difference? Both are sold. ChildofMidnight (talk) 21:34, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Carbonated water should be merged with Flavored water

Would it be possible to merge the two topics to one another? UWEC/ (talk) 01:55, 9 May 2009 (UTC)

- Eh? Carbonation isn't a flavour, and I imagine there are flavoured waters that aren't carbonated. So I don't get it. Hairhorn (talk) 23:30, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
But I do suggest a merge with soda water. (talk) 04:38, 13 March 2010 (UTC)