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Librebook is a privacy-centric social media platform developed by Therandomspoon[1]in response to concerns about the sale of public data by mainstream social media corporations. It is designed to offer a private social media experience by refraining from collecting sensitive user information such as age, gender, and address.

Development History

Librebook underwent a rigorous development process, evolving from an initial version featuring random anonymous usernames to a comprehensive platform with enhanced safety measures and a dedicated account system.


Therandomspoon (Lead Developer): Spearheaded Librebook's development, focusing on user privacy and data protection.

Bing AI: Contributed an AI-generated image of Leo the lion, the official mascot. Played a key role in developing secure login code and defending against SQL and HTML injections.

Golddominik893: Provided inspiration and contributed configuration code from the Liberatube GitHub project, influencing Librebook's development.[2]


Privacy-Focused: Librebook avoids the collection of sensitive user information, prioritizing user privacy.

Global Messaging System: Messages are stored and retrieved in a SQL server, forming the backbone of a global messaging system.

Custom Profiles: User profiles are managed through a JSON file, featuring a user bio and profile picture (pfp). Future updates may include the ability to change usernames.

Secure Login System: Passwords are hashed and securely stored in a SQL database to ensure data integrity.

Upcoming Features: Planned features include a peer-to-peer messaging system, reactions, account deletion, and file organization.[3]

Hosting and Community

Hosting Instances: Designed for easy hosting by individuals, Librebook offers flexibility through the config.php[4] system. Plans for global access to a public SQL server are in development.[5]

Community Involvement: Therandomspoon encourages community contributions, fostering a collaborative spirit similar to the Linux community.


Leo the Lion: Bing AI's AI-generated image of Leo the lion[6] serves as the official mascot, symbolizing Librebook's identity. photo of leo: https://github.com/therandomspoon/librebook/blob/main/images/librebook.png


The official Librebook github:https://github.com/therandomspoon/librebook
The Librebook masthead: https://github.com/therandomspoon/librebook/blob/main/masthead.html
The Creator of Librebook co-wrote this article

  1. ^ On the product's github readme: https://github.com/therandomspoon/librebook/blob/main/README.md
  2. ^ Mentioned in the githubs readme
  3. ^ Visible on the readme under upcoming features
  4. ^ readily available on the github: https://github.com/therandomspoon/librebook/blob/main/config.php
  5. ^ An interview conducted with the developer Therandomspoon
  6. ^ According to the github readme bing ai was responsible for its creation